Successes of Now

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The Theme for the Spiritual Year 2012-2013

Successes of Now 

by Francisco David Coll

There is no substitute for me being me.  When I am, there is an echo that goes out beyond the conscious understanding.  Did the Universe produce anything less than what is perfect?  No!  Even in its imperfections, it is perfect, just like me.  Through my greatness — and even through my not-so-good habits, my stepping stones and scars and bruises, and my fears — I am perfect.  I do not need to “strive” for perfection because I already am perfect.

This is not about conceit or greed, it is about the strong personal core value of Self-Respect.  It is my responsibility to do the very best I know how in my opportunity and to learn and grow from it.  This means when I move into the next opportunity, I have a greater mastery of myself.  In short, if I do not lift my own state of awareness it will not get done.  Returning to, and accepting, this fact energizes the “Why” I am here and brings the feeling of “Home” into all I do.

This is an amazing place and a great time.  All of my experiences have been for the making of me, now.  Just imagine all the energy, people and things that have flowed in and out, together, in order that I am here with all my experiences and energy.  I have orchestrated a masterful symphony to be here.  This time of mine is precious to me, of great value.  I respect it as I respect myself.  That is why it is so important to respect myself.  Through that I fulfill my purpose and am of-service to people.  I don’t waste my time with disorganized communication and action.

Also, it is important that I set my boundaries so I am freer.  If I am not where I need to be, it’s time to have the courage to set my boundaries so as to point toward my goals.  The only one that can enslave me as a soul is me; there are no excuses because I am free.  Spiritually, I do not owe anyone anything nor do they owe me anything — and this applies especially with the people that supported me in my First 7 Years.  I am free and so are they . . . we both received something beneficial and valuable from the experience.  With this understanding I can start to match the Spiritual with the Material, creating and recreating freedom in all I do.  This is what it feels like to have good spiritual and material contracts.

Along with my Thrust I have key personal policies that help me do what I need to do in a clearway.  This is the energy of being a lean, mean, clean, green, spiritual machine.  The Theme, ‘Successes of Now,’ will give opportunity for the whole of me to come alive.  Here are some additional key guidelines:


My rights end where yours begin, your rights end where mine begin.

“Doubt” is an expensive luxury I need not afford.  True-Feelings are the necessity.

I am equal — There are no greater or lesser souls, only different states-of-consciousness.


I am the sum total of every thought and feeling I have ever had – I have all that I need within.

I am not a servant, I am here to be of service — I do not confuse suggestions with commands.

Freedom is to the soul what air is to the body.  Vigilance is easy when I am clear.

True Balance

I fulfill my 50% and stand ready to go the extra mile when needed.

I am friendly, but the “Facts” are my friends.

I don’t treat everyone the same, I am the same with everyone.

Elegant Organization

By organizing myself a little each day, toward my goals, I will have greater success.

I only need to be organized enough to grasp my goal . . . anything more creates waste.

My happiness, success and abundance are a reflection of how well I Feel-Think-Act.

Personal Growth

I desire – I experience – I learn – I grow . . . this is soul evolution.

I live to master myself as a Wayshower — my personal and material goals help me.

Being of service is super, being of super-service is being.


I am 100% honest with myself, I am 100% sincere with the world.

Wisdom is doing, while building my own Golden Guidelines.

I am willing to do what it takes to fulfill my purpose.

The simplest way to build myself spiritually is to practice it.  I practice it in everything I do.  When my practice creates a rhythm, it’s time to be of service to people.  I then practice doing better in my service.  As I become abundant in my service it’s time to pass it on.  I delegate so I can manage more.  When the needs are fulfilled I can release the task, and can then practice the next need.  This example of harmonizing the spiritual and the material serves as a catalyst for freedom and spiritual evolution.  I need to be alert to holding on to people and things too long because that could choke my spiritual flow.  It is loyalty to the needs that makes great successes.

As movement begins and dominos trigger others I will feel a sense of urgency.  One to two, two to four, four to eight and so on.  That is the time to know I have my destiny in hand.  I can allow my powers of perception to work for me or against me — “What is me and what is not me?”  “Is this my opportunity or is this someone else’s?”  It is important that I remember everything is going to be alright.  Life is but a blinking of an eye so I have no need to create moral issues or to get caught up in them.  It is important for me to remember everything it took to get here; it wasn’t for free!

Freedom is the ability to succeed, and the ability to fail.  Both succeeding and failing eventually grow into greatness, it is simply a matter of time and how I use it.  If I love and respect myself, and people, I will allow that freedom to be present in all I do and all I am.  Being a Spirit of Success is simply focusing on my goal, being of service through it, and passing it on.  Being Prepared is simply being ready to do this in every opportunity.

As I show the way, those growing around me will stumble and sometimes even fall.  But in my wake they will find themselves and what they come to do.  It is extremely inspiring to see self-awareness come about in others as they are moved by one’s example.  The “Decision” to be happy and free is the decision to release sadness and captivity.  I am a sun with my own solar system, it is up to me what I radiate out.  Everyone is involved at this level in their opportunity, so that all I need to do is to shine on what I want, and to accept it.  As long as I am clear in what I need and want, all I have and all I am is the Successes of Now.


©Alley Inc. All rights reserved

Spiritual Year-End Regrouping for 2011-2012: Believing to Create!

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Spiritual Year-End Regrouping for


Believing to Create!

September 1 marks the beginning of the New Spiritual Year!  This month we have a great opportunity to regroup this past Spiritual Year before moving into a new wave of energy – The Successes of NOW!

Why do we regroup for the new year?  One reason is to Set the Energy for the year and not rely or relive the past.  It is like giving permission to the miracles to manifest in your life.  It is like Allocating the energy for your coming year ( placing your order with Guidance and the All).

Another way to say this, “…. it is in our best interest to learn & grow from the past.  But it is also in our best interest to leave the past in the past.”  Tiger Coll


As souls, we are in a process of Spiraling Up; expanding and growing.   In order to spiral up we need to release heavy concepts that are holding us back and accept new ones that will help us move up …. the lighter ones.

Consider this, this whole previous year has unfolded so that you may continue to move to a new plateau.  It starts with a little regrouping.

We are “believing to create” our “successes of now!”

Here is a suggestion to get you started:

#1.  Set an appointment with yourself and your Guidance.  A time that is truly yours.  This could be 30, 45 or 60 minutes (avoid going past 60 minutes; you can always schedule in another regrouping).

#2.  In a detached way, regroup the goals you set at this time last year.  Recall your goals and ask yourself:

A.  What did I learn this last year? 

B.  How would I improve last year? 

C.  What were my highlights for the year?

#3.  Refresh your Goals and Thrust:  Ask yourself – Are these goals still in harmony with what I want and need now?  How can I better fulfill my Thrust; my life purpose?

#4.  Coordinate your “Year-End” Regrouping” with your updated goals – Is there anything you would like to add based on what you learned or would improve from this last year?  Working with Inner Guidance ask – Are there any areas that are in my best interest to unfold this year?  Edit and refine your list based on your decisions.

#5.  Consolidate your new goals, regroup with your Spiritual Helpers and Magnetize Your Year for the accomplishment and fulfillment.  Tune into the things you want to accomplish this coming year.  Visualize them being accomplished and what it feels like to accomplish them.  Give your Spiritual Helpers and the Universe permission to back and support you in accomplishing them.  Relax and release them to manifest.

Extra Hint:  Put your refreshed goals in a place you can see and energize them them daily during this month.  During these times there may-well-be insights to help you better fulfill them.  This is part of working with your sensitivity and guidance in its higher forms.

Remember, “… a waterfall begins with one drop of water.”  It’s largely about consistency and follow-through.

Get ready for 2012 / 2013:  THE SUCCESSES OF NOW!

by Francisco D Coll

(C) 2011 Alley Creative, Inc.  All rights reserved


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Spiritual Theme of the Month – JULY, 2012



by Francisco D. Coll

EXUBERANT is the key word and energy for the month of July 2012.  Vivacious, Expansive, Plentiful, Overflow, and Exude are aspects of this month’s theme.  As you move into preparing for July take time to reflect on these questions: 

  • What does this mean to you?

  • How will this help you personally and professionally?

  • In what ways can you back your apprentices with this theme?

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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Spiritual Theme of the Month – JUNE, 2012


by Francisco D. Coll

There is nothing that will corrupt my purpose, and my opportunities toward it.  I am true to my course.  I have paid my dues to be here; there is no doubt of who and what I am.  My thirst for life and opportunity is unquenchable because of it.   I do not want anyone to do anything “for” me.

From time to time I need a little Guidance with direction, but I will go-get-it.  This makes the depths of powers within me endless.  I am going to do what I came to do, I do not have to force it or even “try.”   I know that I know that I know I will “get there” and everything will be all right.


I wholly and completely accept this fact.  Whether it is this life or the next, I will accomplish what I have come to do … this is peace.  Everyone is going to get there.  Even my friends, family, acquaintances and strangers, going through great challenges, are going to be all right.



I do not need to steal from them by doing for them.  All I need to do is be an example of what I came to do and give a helping-hand and guidance from time-to-time.  That is being a strong Wayshower… that is being a master of my energy … that is how easy it is.


To help you set your spiritual energy for the month, here are a few questions on which to reflect:

1.  What accomplishments have helped you build your inner strength? 

2.  How can you help yourself and others to add strength to the direction being set?

3.  How can you add ease and inner peace into your daily life more? 

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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My Truth or The Truth?

This is a conundrum as both are equally valid and yet can be at complete ends of the spectrum to each other. Neither right or wrong and both right and wrong in this world of duality.

Let’s take a look at “My Truth”. This truth comes from our personal experiences and training…. but eventually that truth changes over time, like when we outgrow a habit and discover a more effective means of carrying it out. A simple example of how time changes personal truth is… “When I was 5 years old I truthfully wore a size 5 shoe… now I am much older my shoe size is truthfully a 7.” This truth as is a fact of physical growth.

However, personal truth can have attached to it… VERY IMPORTANT qualifications… an emotional fact from our personal experiences… like.. “All Scorpios do me in!” Then we set up the experiences to validate those truths more so… the next time we come across a ‘Scorpio’ we already know or assume that they will do us in… this means we have become set in our truth. No changes can occur until we change our perspective on this emotional fact or truth. We don’t give the ‘Scorpio’ a chance to be their loving selves… we attract what we think or fear. We have placed ourselves in our own jail; along with the ‘Scorpio’ present.

Or “I don’t like a certain type of culture or food.” .. So when we visit that country we really have a hard time being involved in any fun there or when we eat that food we will have allergic reactions or arguments with our partner… a drama will ensue, instead of a full loving experience.

Our thoughts and emotions attract our experiences… not the other way around. When our ‘TRUTHS’ are set in cement, nothing flows, nothing changes, nothing grows.. and that’s what wars are created from, when the personalities forget that no thing has the complete truth and there is truth in all things.

These types of personal truths are really not truths but emotions that are caught up with ‘ideas’ or ‘concepts’ which continue to shape our experiences and usually not so nice experiences as we play them out. All of this can change at any time. One just needs to question oneself on the real NOW validity of these thoughts and emotions and change them to more realistic ones that suit us today. It’s like taking a stock-take on ME now and getting rid of the old stock and replacing it with new state of the art stock.

Then we have “The Truth”… There is really no real one truth as we are all living in a changing world. Yes there are the rules and laws of the universe, like the sun rises daily and gravity. These truths have no emotional charge.. they just are.

Mainly truths that are written or documented change over time as science, culture or religion either adds to the information or discovers a deeper understanding. Not too far back in history it was heresy to think or speak about the world being round! Darwin’s theories are being disproved in many ways; Fashion comes and goes; Religions change their rules and dogma; International, interracial and gay marriages are acceptable now. All of these truths have changed as our cultures become more relaxed about personal rights and lifestyles.

So truth is a changing subject, depending on time, discovery, co-operation and understanding.

My personal truth is based on how I feel, not my emotions (what I’ve been taught to feel). This is what I cultivate and it is based on love. When I question a concept, thought or situation that is ‘nagging’ me, I ask myself. “Where is the love here?” “Am I coming from a love stance?” “Who am I without my story?”

Then I take a deep breath and let it all go. I have my freedom internally back again… I return to my love… I am in my feelings again… I am in the right place at the right time for me… that is my truth.


2012 ©


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Spiritual Theme of the Month: FEBRUARY, 2012


There are few absolutes. My True-Feelings are however one of them. They are part of the bigger picture, the Universal Laws. The freedom, love and prosperity in my life are directly connected to the factualness of my true feelings. Not what I think I know but what I know that I know. My honesty with myself and my sincerity with the world build each other and create this clarity. With it I know that I have no limitations. Ignoring the facts opens the door to buying into limitations; then I will find a way to limit myself. This is not why I am here. I am here to move beyond the illusions. And so I am committed to experiencing my life while being of service and understanding those experiences abundantly, truthfully learning and growing through involvement. This is the excitement and adventure of self-discovery and reality.

Accepting myself, other people and the things of the world as they are is what freedom is about. It can be so easy to fill conversations, thoughts and time with extra things and not ever get to the point. It’s like having lots of wants but not having my needs met. Pretty soon I will feel the excuses build up — the excuses I feed myself for lack of accomplishment. I can start forgetting why I am here and what I am doing. If I get used to it I will start telling lies … lies for lack of fulfillment. When I work with my true feelings and the facts I create lots of “space.” There is no need to feel uncomfortable in the peace of space. Much of our outer influence and training is to fill space and time so that we have an illusion of being comfortable. But it is not truly comfortable to stop growing and expanding. It is not truly comfortable to avoid new experiences. It is not truly comfortable to stop accepting myself, people and things. It is natural and comfortable to feel free in free space. It means there is tremendous opportunity. This is the truth that resides in inner-security.

Balance and being One-with-All is the result of growing in my experiences. Balance, so that I can effectively do what I came to do. One with All, so that I continue to dynamically move up. As I progress, ensuring that there is a feeling with a thought and a thought with a feeling becomes more and more a need. I need my feeling nature. I need my intellectual nature. I need them because I have them. “I don’t need to do more, I just need to do better.” Simply setting the goal of ‘doing Better with what I already have’ means More will take care of itself. This is the truth in balance.

Being Clean & Clear is like being on a huge highway in a powerful vehicle. I start moving to my destinations like a master soul. To be clean and clear means knowing my motives. It is having a clear feeling and clean facts, including who is getting something out of it. Without this simple formula I will live in someone else’s fiction. This is when the feelings of dishonesty and dis-ease move in. Being clean and clear does not mean I alienate myself — that is the syndrome of, “being so honest that I am dishonest with myself.” Nor does it mean I hold back in my, “sincerity with the world and honesty with myself.” It is finding what is real for me and releasing the rest. This is the truth in time.

Starting with, and returning to, what is simple is important. Getting caught up and trapped in complications and tragedies is playing a game of mental gymnastics. Being organized is important but being over-organized is a waste of time. Being organized is working with my true-feelings, the facts, putting them into action, and returning to my feelings for regrouping. It is moving from one place to another effectively and efficiently. Being over-organized amounts to living in emotions, judging, reacting and getting emotional again. It is getting caught in the means and losing sight of the purpose; analyzing, dissecting, reanalyzing and dissecting again. Everyone goes through some of that! The facts are; when I have had enough of negative energy and Lack I will do something about it. When that moment occurs I make a decision. Real ‘decision’ is the Real Me shinning through. This simple little thing allows me to be me. This is the truth in simplicity.

I am always In-Love. Love is the overall energy. I am always in love. Realizing all the opportunity that is available to me here is a powerful thing. It lets me live in the Big Picture. It’s the ability to look ahead, on the path I am on, from atop a large staircase. It allows me to see further. Being involved with my opportunity means I am right, and even when I am wrong, I am right. It also means that everyone is right; it may not be right for me but it may be for them. Getting involved in proving myself is a destructive road to start down. I do not have the time or energy to play that game. I do have all the time and energy to do what I need to do. For this reason I Choose to be in love with life; you could say, “I am having a love-affair-with-life” when I live from my big picture and remember everything is going to be all right. I don’t need to save anyone, I only need to be of service (which includes to myself!). This is the truth in love.

“I am water, I come from water and I will return to water.”

I am all about flow, flowing down the river of life. Sometimes there are rocks, the water splashes against them creating rapids before returning to the river. This is like fighting my true-feelings and the facts. Sometime the water gets diverted into little ponds and slowed down before returning to the river. This is like ignoring my true-feelings and the facts. The truth is I am energy. The truth is I am here to learn and grow. The truth is I have a unique purpose and Thrust. The truth is I have Inner Guidance. The truth is I am Free … that is me flowing in the middle of the deep and powerful river, as a way of life, in everything I say and do, and having fun. That’s the Truth.

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Aley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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Spiritual Theme of the Month for December, 2011.


By Francisco David Coll

Freeing myself is true liberation.  No one can do this for me.   Anytime I feel captive, restricted or dependent, I need to return to the basics:  I am a soul with a physical body, not a physical body with a soul;  I am intelligent light; I am energy.  I came here to learn and grow. I learn and grow through involvement and experience.

I have a unique purpose and Thrust. It is unique because I am the sum total of all my thoughts and feelings throughout eternity.  I have a master team of Spiritual Helpers here to guide me in my spiritual growth.  They are here to work with me, not to work for me. I am free.  I am free to experience great challenges, blocks and stepping-stones that seem overwhelming, just as I am free to succeed. That is freedom.  Once this truly becomes a part of my understanding, I will become more conscious of the real me.  I will live the Soul Consciousness.  I will live life.

What I have inside is Perfect. There is no place for doubt. I do not need to get wrapped up or caught up in perfection.  This will only dilute my inner motivation and incentive. Just as the Universe and Nature are perfect, so am I.  “Perfection” is in the bliss, the challenges, and the ups and downs of my life.  It is in the process and flow of life; the journey.  I do not need to concern myself with perfection. I am already perfect.

My opportunity is simply to do the best I know how and learn and grow from it. That is why my desires-my true desires-are so important. My inner desires and needs are my intelligent design.  The moment I feel them, I am in the process of creating them. Inside me exists the power and potential of lifetimes, and the energy and wisdom of the Universe.  I even have a whole team of Spiritual Helpers I can check and recheck with.  All I need to do is focus on what I need and want and get involved.

There is an inner desire that I have … an inner drive. It truly comes from inside and not outside.  This inner desire is in harmony and in tune with the Universe.  It helps me with my niche.  It is associated with the power of Will.  It is not an outer push but rather a natural flow, like water traveling downhill.  If I get caught up or controlled by outer things my inner desire can seem like a whisper or gentle breeze that is easily ignored and replaced.  This is because I have trained myself to jump when there are outer demands.  I let the emotions and my thoughts bully my true feelings.  It means I have put too much focus and priority on outer motivation and things.

As a soul I need Drive in my life, but when I allow my energy to get out of balance I confuse drive with “forcing” or “pressure.”  I may even wait to be told what to do.  By doing this, I lower my inner standards and create excuses. This is a lazy path, and I take it when I am afraid or doubt the solutions, energy and leadership I have inside.

There is no “free lunch.”  That is a Spiritual truth.  This does not however mean that my needs and wants are difficult to achieve.  It simply means that I must be willing to put forth energy so that I may receive energy.  This is natural when I’m being me and enjoying life.  It is innate.  As a matter of fact, I claim the challenge. I want opportunity. The Real Me is decisive, bold and spirited; taking action and being fully committed, like a deep flowing river.  It is enjoying and balancing my two worlds.  As long as I am crystal clear in what I can take with me, I can enjoy and be involved in anything I feel I need or want.  When I consistently do this I understand what it means to move by desire; I freely accomplish the fulfillment of my goals.

I lead with my heart. It shows the way. I organize with my head, so I don’t go astray. I follow-through with action.  That is the accomplishment and fulfillment that feels like play.  This is the simplicity and power of what I am – Feel, Think, Act.

Fulfilling my true inner urge is effortless.  I do not have to force things.  My energy has force, but I am not about forcing myself, people or things.  I have drive, but it is not about being a slave driver.  I have true concern, but it does not mean that I pity or cater to myself, people or things.  I am gentle, but it does not mean that I waste time.  Every moment I am drawn toward what I need to be doing.  It is not harsh or difficult.  That is part of what distinguishes it from an outer urge.  It comes from my core.

The heart wants what the heart wants.  I remind myself that “I have no limitations” and that “everything is going to be alright.”  I move forward and I work from this pivot. There is nothing that can or will stop me.  I am free to experience and feel. Setting my own goals based on what I truly feel I need is first. Giving myself plenty of time to accomplish is second.  Discerning the places I need to be is third. Knowing the reason and feeling the success as I progress is fourth. The rest is just follow-through.

 That is IMPEL – The Way of the Wayshower.

© Alley Creative, Inc. 2011, all rights reserved.


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Theme of the Month – October, 2011


Within the month of October 2011 the energy of DOUSE represents that which spirit presents it’s form of lessons for not only each and everyone of us on Planet Earth but also for Governments, Companies and Organizations that require this turning point.

It is about Whole Hog Vs Chicken. The decision/s needs to be made internally of “Full Steam Ahead” immersed in Spirit’s direction and guidance or continuing to dabble and talk about the minimal contributions we as citizens make within ourselves, our family, our work and society. Companies that do not align with this bigger picture will ‘douse’ themselves out of existence, fold, go into liquidation or bankruptcy.

This month is a major turning point in the biggest picture of the Planet as well. Gaia will not allow the negative aspects of Douse to dampen her resolve to move ahead.. like the Phoenix Rising, she will once again nurture it’s inhabitants once they shape up. The transition from 3rd to 5th Dimension is at hand. She will not however back those who continue to take.

Some symptoms that you may encounter will include:

  • Hearing “This is always how it’s been done” when you wish to be creative
  • Depression and Discord
  • Anxiety and Rush Rush
  • Worry about funds and lack
  • No time for ‘fun’ or ‘hugs’
  • You lose your employment
  • Appointments to move forward are cancelled
  • Banking hassles or impending foreclosure threats
  • Projects come to a grinding halt
  • Everywhere you look, it’s a doom and gloom outlook
  • Negative conversations that leave you feeling washed out
  • No energy to accomplish

The aspects of Douse which can be used to enlighten and uplift are:

  • Commitment to inner direction, inner loyalty and responsibility
  • Putting into the greater whole something of lasting value
  • Sharing your wisdom to keep it simple
  • Truth in all circumstances without fear of reprisal
  • Rising above pettiness and small pictures
  • Choosing Love and Support; NO Fear or Doubt
  • Listening to your inner guidance, inner passion, inner feelings
  • Spending quality time with your family and friends
  • Realigning ‘archaic’ systems in your workplace to simplified routines and checklists
  • Walk away from confusion; you play no part in that enslavement
  • Take one moment at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time
  • Enjoy the experiences you are having NOW
  • See it for what it is, then let it go
  • Remind yourself to be patient with yourself
  • Go with your PASSION

The month of October gives us a chance to filter out what we do not want to accept in our lives as normal anymore. It is a chance to reprogram your inner workings so that your outer experience is full of enjoyment, love and laughter. Those experiences that hit home and don’t work for you are just that.. the old you. It is time to re-evaluate what works for you and let go of that which does not… and this includes friends, family, business associates, attitudes, habits and possessions.

Life is simple! Douse gives us opportunity to keep it that way. Have FUN.

A great song to sing for this month is “This Little Light Of Mine.. I’m gunna let it shine” and here’s the African Children’s Choir doing it at their best.




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An Excerpt from The Wayshowers Philosophy for the Theme of the Month – September, 2011.


I am the gathering of energies. Energies that come from the Universe and this Planet. I am truly One-with-All, or I could not be here. This solar system is a reflection of me and I am a reflection of it. Everything in my life is a part of my own solar system. I am a Sun. I radiate to people and things and they gravitate toward me.

I have contracts with other suns. Together we are a group, which helps me evolve and master my own energy. I have one simple opportunity or job – to be whole and completely me – to be success, radiate my goals and continue unfolding what I have. Through commitment in this process, I will learn and grow lifetimes worth – all by being me – my true self. I give life to my ideas and concepts. I share energy with people and things.

As long as I desire to hold them in my light, they will grow. It is my continuing opportunity to clearly illuminate what I truly desire and it will then come to life and grow. It is time to do what it takes to set free the light within!


Ask yourself these questions to shine light on not only your month but the whole Spiritual New Year of 2011/2012

1. What can I do this month to be a 100% involved “directed light” this month?

2. How can I give opportunity to myself and others more?

3. What bigger picture of my life is ready to reveal itself to me this month?

Now ask your guidance these same questions to see what deeper insights may come!

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2010, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved    

Vanessa Amorosi with Shine!





By Francisco David Coll

There is a harmony that is beyond words- a feeling that I know that I know I am doing what I came to do. It is the feeling and perfection of who I am and what I have accomplished, and it honors all the backing I have. It is the freedom to be. I can feel it inside! It is in me…. it is me! The more I freely give of myself in an organized way, the more I am bathed in Life. I am powerful. If I accept my success, I will be filled with it. If I do not accept my success, I won’t. There is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion created by ignorance. Fear is not freedom. I have my Sensitivity and Inner Guidance; I am not a captive of ignorance. I will transform and let go of anything that holds me back, especially my own concepts. There is not one thing that is here to stop me from doing what I came to do. There are lessons, there are challenges, there are even systems that I must work in. All are here helping me. All are helping me master my energy.

Being purposeful with my energy and time brings sophistication. It is a deeper loyalty to myself. It means genuinely living in the now and truly learning and growing from my experiences. Doing the dishes, driving to work, being of service, fellowshipping and sharing with people, vacationing… they are powerful means. I can choose to accept and embrace the opportunity or go through them living in the past or future. I will get out of it exactly what I put into it. There is no room to play the games without accepting and sharing freely if I am committed to my own True course.

I create my destiny, so what are my motives? Am I making decisions based on fears or anxieties? That will not work. What I sow I will reap. So…. I will make decisions and build with the facts. I will do the best I know how. I will maintain crystal clear motives. I will not hold back.

If I am one with all things, then everything is here. There is no separation. If this is true, what is missing? There is nothing missing as long as I claim it. Until the things I need and want are clearly stated, inside and out, I will be trying to live two ideas at once. I will be the monkey holding onto two vines. That is not the real me. Those are ideas from someone else who was taught to doubt. Step by step moving forward, that’s me. Sometimes running, sometimes walking, but always the forward embrace. There are people around me who think they cannot move ahead. I am a Wayshower (an example) of progress and evolution regardless of other people’s fears. Inner discipline is simply hearing the inner voice louder and clearer than the outer ones. That is a key for knowing that I know.

Everything is going to be alright. When things get overwhelming or confusing, I say, “Everything’s going to be alright.” I need to tell myself this truth sometimes, or it can get covered up. This is having loyalty and responsibility for my own energy. Taking personal responsibility for my energy is 50% of the healing and the solution. The other 50% is follow-through. There are souls who are unwilling to do this. My service to them is to do it for myself and offer a little guidance; that’s it. It is important that I keep my spiritual accounts balanced and settle accounts materially whenever possible. This keeps anchors to a minimum. Spiritually, I do not owe anyone anything and they do not owe me anything. That goes for anyone I encounter. There is no need for feeling sorry for or sympathizing with anyone, including myself. If I value my freedom, I need to respect everyone else’s, otherwise I will unknowingly begin to imprison myself. Doing for others what they can do for themselves is a glory trip and makes people dependent on me. That doesn’t mean I don’t go out of my way to be of service. One common trap to avoid is spending my time and energy instead of investing it. I am here to invest through experience, just like everyone else. Everything is going to be alright.

I have organized myself to be here. This means I have great powers. Transforming negatives into positives and working with positive energy takes little effort. It’s like being in the Universe; one simple Thrust and I can go forever. Getting caught in negativity is hard work. If I have survived struggling with negative things, that means I have more than enough power to work with the positive. It starts with remembering that I am Energy. There is no separation. This is my foundation to build anything! This is the energy of joy, love, freedom, success and Abundance! There is no limitation. I do not need to get caught in man-made emotional monsters. That is a game I need to release. It’s time to let my knowledge become wisdom; time to transform my experiences into investments. It is my time to help manifest the bigger picture into physical form.

Believe in myself to build. Believe in myself to lead. Believe . . . to create.


by Francisco D. Coll

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