Spiritual Year-End Regrouping for 2011-2012: Believing to Create!

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Spiritual Year-End Regrouping for


Believing to Create!

September 1 marks the beginning of the New Spiritual Year!  This month we have a great opportunity to regroup this past Spiritual Year before moving into a new wave of energy – The Successes of NOW!

Why do we regroup for the new year?  One reason is to Set the Energy for the year and not rely or relive the past.  It is like giving permission to the miracles to manifest in your life.  It is like Allocating the energy for your coming year ( placing your order with Guidance and the All).

Another way to say this, “…. it is in our best interest to learn & grow from the past.  But it is also in our best interest to leave the past in the past.”  Tiger Coll


As souls, we are in a process of Spiraling Up; expanding and growing.   In order to spiral up we need to release heavy concepts that are holding us back and accept new ones that will help us move up …. the lighter ones.

Consider this, this whole previous year has unfolded so that you may continue to move to a new plateau.  It starts with a little regrouping.

We are “believing to create” our “successes of now!”

Here is a suggestion to get you started:

#1.  Set an appointment with yourself and your Guidance.  A time that is truly yours.  This could be 30, 45 or 60 minutes (avoid going past 60 minutes; you can always schedule in another regrouping).

#2.  In a detached way, regroup the goals you set at this time last year.  Recall your goals and ask yourself:

A.  What did I learn this last year? 

B.  How would I improve last year? 

C.  What were my highlights for the year?

#3.  Refresh your Goals and Thrust:  Ask yourself – Are these goals still in harmony with what I want and need now?  How can I better fulfill my Thrust; my life purpose?

#4.  Coordinate your “Year-End” Regrouping” with your updated goals – Is there anything you would like to add based on what you learned or would improve from this last year?  Working with Inner Guidance ask – Are there any areas that are in my best interest to unfold this year?  Edit and refine your list based on your decisions.

#5.  Consolidate your new goals, regroup with your Spiritual Helpers and Magnetize Your Year for the accomplishment and fulfillment.  Tune into the things you want to accomplish this coming year.  Visualize them being accomplished and what it feels like to accomplish them.  Give your Spiritual Helpers and the Universe permission to back and support you in accomplishing them.  Relax and release them to manifest.

Extra Hint:  Put your refreshed goals in a place you can see and energize them them daily during this month.  During these times there may-well-be insights to help you better fulfill them.  This is part of working with your sensitivity and guidance in its higher forms.

Remember, “… a waterfall begins with one drop of water.”  It’s largely about consistency and follow-through.

Get ready for 2012 / 2013:  THE SUCCESSES OF NOW!

by Francisco D Coll

(C) 2011 Alley Creative, Inc.  All rights reserved



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The Spiritual Theme of the Month –  August 2012 


Am I looking or am I seeing?  Am I perceiving with my feelings first or my intellect first? Discernment begins by clarifying what “is” – not fantasy or the “maze.”  There are many things that are for show but what is behind it?  There may be many headlines but what do they mean?

Facts are the way of life, they are a way of nature and the universe.  They just are. Having them clear creates a steady flow of water down a river.  Without clarity I am tossed and turned in the waters, struggling through rapids, waterfalls and the challenges of running aground. Discovering the truth in things and people is not about being right, it’s about being clear – “What is me and what is not?”

It is having the inner vision to first see the soul, then the concepts and then the physical body.  My energy is presence in the present, direct through direction, and full of fulfillment.  Everything is already here to fulfill my needs.  If I am not focused on seeing, then I am focused on looking.  See!

By Francisco David Coll 

(C) 2011 Alley Creative, Inc.  All rights reserved


The Wayshowers Philosophy is Spirit’s expression of the theme and energy for the month as channeled by Francisco D. Coll. It pivots around a main key word and the feelings or vibrations connected to that word.

Each month from now on, an excerpt from the Wayshowers Philosophy will be highlighted here in the Times Communicator Express along with key questions to help you add practical value to Spirit’s message. That message can give you added inspiration, direction, hope and healing in your personal growth, your relationships and your business ventures. 


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Spiritual Theme of the Month – JULY, 2012



by Francisco D. Coll

EXUBERANT is the key word and energy for the month of July 2012.  Vivacious, Expansive, Plentiful, Overflow, and Exude are aspects of this month’s theme.  As you move into preparing for July take time to reflect on these questions: 

  • What does this mean to you?

  • How will this help you personally and professionally?

  • In what ways can you back your apprentices with this theme?

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved



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Spiritual Theme of the Month – APRIL, 2012


By Francisco D Coll

I have faith and confidence in people and things.  I have faith and confidence in Spirit and the All.  They can have faith and confidence in me.  They can, because I belief in myself.  I believe in the Universe and all  its rhythms and routines.  I believe that all people and things are fulfilling their own purpose within the bigger picture.


There is no doubt; I feel the warmth of the sun and the cool of the wind.  I feel the challenges and fulfillments as people grow through their lives.  I am certain of all these things.  That is how I know I came here to be happy, successful and abundant … I can feel it all around me and that makes me part of me.  As long as I am loyal to the facts, I can count on me and everything else.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1.  In what areas of my life do I have the greatest confidence and why?
2.  How can I trust myself more?
3.  How can I inspire others around me to have greater confidence and self trust?

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved



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Spiritual Theme of the Month:  March, 2012


by Francisco D Coll

As children, we are constantly climbing!  We rise to new heights learning to climb up on the sofa or ascend to the next branch on the tree. We boldy take that next adventurous step, sometimes falling, yet always getting back up to advance again!

It is that natural inner desire to progress that impels me forward today!  I have never lost this child-like motivation.  I may cover it over with outer voices of  – can’t; don’t; watch out; no…..but the positive voices of growth and expansion carry much more energy than the ones of limitation!

So what do I want to listen to?  Expansion or limitation?  Living or dying? Climbing or falling?  Today is the first day of the rest of my life – to soar, fly, and arise again!  All I need is to have that next “branch” in my sights!

To set your energy to CLIMB this month, answer these questions:

1.  What are some of my new aspirations?
2.  How can I take action each day to advance in making my dreams come true?
3.  In what ways can I give opportunity to myself and others to ascend to greater heights of abundance and well being?

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Alley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved



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Spiritual Theme of the Month: FEBRUARY, 2012


There are few absolutes. My True-Feelings are however one of them. They are part of the bigger picture, the Universal Laws. The freedom, love and prosperity in my life are directly connected to the factualness of my true feelings. Not what I think I know but what I know that I know. My honesty with myself and my sincerity with the world build each other and create this clarity. With it I know that I have no limitations. Ignoring the facts opens the door to buying into limitations; then I will find a way to limit myself. This is not why I am here. I am here to move beyond the illusions. And so I am committed to experiencing my life while being of service and understanding those experiences abundantly, truthfully learning and growing through involvement. This is the excitement and adventure of self-discovery and reality.

Accepting myself, other people and the things of the world as they are is what freedom is about. It can be so easy to fill conversations, thoughts and time with extra things and not ever get to the point. It’s like having lots of wants but not having my needs met. Pretty soon I will feel the excuses build up — the excuses I feed myself for lack of accomplishment. I can start forgetting why I am here and what I am doing. If I get used to it I will start telling lies … lies for lack of fulfillment. When I work with my true feelings and the facts I create lots of “space.” There is no need to feel uncomfortable in the peace of space. Much of our outer influence and training is to fill space and time so that we have an illusion of being comfortable. But it is not truly comfortable to stop growing and expanding. It is not truly comfortable to avoid new experiences. It is not truly comfortable to stop accepting myself, people and things. It is natural and comfortable to feel free in free space. It means there is tremendous opportunity. This is the truth that resides in inner-security.

Balance and being One-with-All is the result of growing in my experiences. Balance, so that I can effectively do what I came to do. One with All, so that I continue to dynamically move up. As I progress, ensuring that there is a feeling with a thought and a thought with a feeling becomes more and more a need. I need my feeling nature. I need my intellectual nature. I need them because I have them. “I don’t need to do more, I just need to do better.” Simply setting the goal of ‘doing Better with what I already have’ means More will take care of itself. This is the truth in balance.

Being Clean & Clear is like being on a huge highway in a powerful vehicle. I start moving to my destinations like a master soul. To be clean and clear means knowing my motives. It is having a clear feeling and clean facts, including who is getting something out of it. Without this simple formula I will live in someone else’s fiction. This is when the feelings of dishonesty and dis-ease move in. Being clean and clear does not mean I alienate myself — that is the syndrome of, “being so honest that I am dishonest with myself.” Nor does it mean I hold back in my, “sincerity with the world and honesty with myself.” It is finding what is real for me and releasing the rest. This is the truth in time.

Starting with, and returning to, what is simple is important. Getting caught up and trapped in complications and tragedies is playing a game of mental gymnastics. Being organized is important but being over-organized is a waste of time. Being organized is working with my true-feelings, the facts, putting them into action, and returning to my feelings for regrouping. It is moving from one place to another effectively and efficiently. Being over-organized amounts to living in emotions, judging, reacting and getting emotional again. It is getting caught in the means and losing sight of the purpose; analyzing, dissecting, reanalyzing and dissecting again. Everyone goes through some of that! The facts are; when I have had enough of negative energy and Lack I will do something about it. When that moment occurs I make a decision. Real ‘decision’ is the Real Me shinning through. This simple little thing allows me to be me. This is the truth in simplicity.

I am always In-Love. Love is the overall energy. I am always in love. Realizing all the opportunity that is available to me here is a powerful thing. It lets me live in the Big Picture. It’s the ability to look ahead, on the path I am on, from atop a large staircase. It allows me to see further. Being involved with my opportunity means I am right, and even when I am wrong, I am right. It also means that everyone is right; it may not be right for me but it may be for them. Getting involved in proving myself is a destructive road to start down. I do not have the time or energy to play that game. I do have all the time and energy to do what I need to do. For this reason I Choose to be in love with life; you could say, “I am having a love-affair-with-life” when I live from my big picture and remember everything is going to be all right. I don’t need to save anyone, I only need to be of service (which includes to myself!). This is the truth in love.

“I am water, I come from water and I will return to water.”

I am all about flow, flowing down the river of life. Sometimes there are rocks, the water splashes against them creating rapids before returning to the river. This is like fighting my true-feelings and the facts. Sometime the water gets diverted into little ponds and slowed down before returning to the river. This is like ignoring my true-feelings and the facts. The truth is I am energy. The truth is I am here to learn and grow. The truth is I have a unique purpose and Thrust. The truth is I have Inner Guidance. The truth is I am Free … that is me flowing in the middle of the deep and powerful river, as a way of life, in everything I say and do, and having fun. That’s the Truth.

by Francisco D. Coll

© 2012, Aley Creative, Inc. All Rights Reserved