The Spiritual Theme of the Month –  August 2012 


Am I looking or am I seeing?  Am I perceiving with my feelings first or my intellect first? Discernment begins by clarifying what “is” – not fantasy or the “maze.”  There are many things that are for show but what is behind it?  There may be many headlines but what do they mean?

Facts are the way of life, they are a way of nature and the universe.  They just are. Having them clear creates a steady flow of water down a river.  Without clarity I am tossed and turned in the waters, struggling through rapids, waterfalls and the challenges of running aground. Discovering the truth in things and people is not about being right, it’s about being clear – “What is me and what is not?”

It is having the inner vision to first see the soul, then the concepts and then the physical body.  My energy is presence in the present, direct through direction, and full of fulfillment.  Everything is already here to fulfill my needs.  If I am not focused on seeing, then I am focused on looking.  See!

By Francisco David Coll 

(C) 2011 Alley Creative, Inc.  All rights reserved

The Wayshowers Philosophy is Spirit’s expression of the theme and energy for the month as channeled by Francisco D. Coll. It pivots around a main key word and the feelings or vibrations connected to that word.

Each month from now on, an excerpt from the Wayshowers Philosophy will be highlighted here in the Times Communicator Express along with key questions to help you add practical value to Spirit’s message. That message can give you added inspiration, direction, hope and healing in your personal growth, your relationships and your business ventures.